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How long are sessions?

One of the freedoms of private practice that I most cherish is that I can take the amount of time for sessions that seems right to me - rather than be driven by the clock and a ‘production line’ attitude.  That means:  Assessments generally last about 2 hours and individual sessions about 90 minutes. Although I only bill the rates shown above, I look for natural endings to sessions.  Clients seem to appreciate that stance.

Can you give me a thumbnail summary of the therapeutic process?

One of my clients described it as “a conversational journey.”   He nailed it.

You don’t have a Patient Portal.  How can I book a session or get more info?

Please call me.  It may be old-fashioned but it is also more direct and efficient.  If you don’t reach me, leave some good times when I can return your call over the next few days.  I will call you back – within a day or two at most usually.  My voicemail is confidential and no one else has access to it.

What are your hours?

Earliest appointment is 830am and latest 5pm.  I also offer Saturday and Sunday sessions.  I do my best to find times that work for my clients and maximize their consistent participation.

What if my insurance changes after we’ve started working together?

My ethical orientation does not allow me to discontinue services because a client’s financial situation changes – my commitment to your therapy is affected by money but not driven by it.  If your financial situation changes mid-stream in therapy, we will work together on figuring out a solution that is sustainable for both of us.

What if I don’t have insurance?

For your own health and well-being, I implore you to get insurance and use it.  If you don’t have it, talk to me about what and how you can pay on a regular basis.  I don’t offer free sessions but have accepted as little as $50/session from clients who were genuinely committed and consistent in their participation.

What if I come to see you for an assessment and it just doesn’t feel like a good fit?

As I will tell you when we schedule the assessment, ‘fit’ is critical.  If either one of us feels that we are not a good fit during our first visit, I will not bill your insurance for my time and offer other resources as appropriate.  Even when we have a good fit, I will check with you about your sense of ‘fit’ and regularly ask for your views on the process as we go on along.

What if I have questions for you? After all, you’re going to know a lot about me.

Ask.  Please.  As you can see, this website doesn’t provide personal information about me.  Also, I don’t engage with social media.  That’s because it’s important to me that I know who I’m talking with.  If I’m talking with you, I want there to be a reasonable balance between what I know about you and what you know about me.

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